Observatorium: 2013 projects This is the shadow site for search engines. Open the site for humans here

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2013 projects

In 2013 Observatorium will be working in France, Germany and The Netherlands. Many projects involve the collaboration with students, trainees and interns.
In Arnhem we are working on a landscape park and a pavilion for the Open Air University.
For a Jenaplan school in Boxmeer we are desiging a playground.
Zollverein is in Essen; slowly the park of the world heritage and it's entrance pavilions are taking shape.
Marseille is Cultural Capital of Europe; we will be part of an exhibition about place making.
In München we are preparing the installation of a large iconic sculpture in front of Biomedizinisches Institut.
Nantes is Green Capital of Europe; together with the Art Academy of Nantes we will build a viewpoint and a transitory garden.
In Oberhausen the second version of the temporary bridge Waiting for the River will be installed in the future river bed of the Emscher.
Rotterdam will see new developments in the Museum of Orphaned Sculpture and the Lijnbaan city park.
The island Terschelling is famous for it's open air theatre festival Oerol, for which we will be working on an open air theatre.
Vitrolles is the town where Faiar, a school for artistic creation in public areas, is located and where we will lead a workshop.
Observatorium - 2013 projects - OU arnhem Observatorium - 2013 projects - Coll Eschborn Observatorium - 2013 projects - Kokerei veld Observatorium - 2013 projects - zollverein ondergrond Observatorium - 2013 projects - zollverin paviljoen maquette

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