Observatorium: Make_Shift City This is the shadow site for search engines. Open the site for humans here

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Make_Shift City

Urban Curator Francesca Ferguson has edited a great book about urban imagination. "Observatorium: your name, is also a term that denotes a kind of perception and a form of reflection. Where does it originate from?" This the first question of an interview in the book Make_Shift City - Renegotiating the Urban Commons. Read about 'anticipatory art' in the interview with Andre Dekker.

'Makeshift implies a temporary or expedient substitute for something else, something missing. Make-Shift City extends the term to embrace urban design strategies. "Make-Shift City" implies a condition of insecurity: the inconstant, the imperfect and the indeterminate.
Austerity urbanism and the increasing scarcity of resources among the cities and boroughs of Europe in particular has far-reaching consequences for civic space. Where there is a lack of regular planning processes, gaps arise as open spaces that enable an ad-hoc informal urban design.
What often results is a process of urban commoning: the renegotiation of shared spaces and shared resources. This urbanism of small acts is an emancipatory practice; a re-imagining of the city space and its potentialities.'

Editor: Francesca Ferguson, Urban Drift Projects (eds.) in cooperation with the Berlin Senate for Urban Development.
ENGLISH/GERMAN, 256 pages with approx. 250 col. images, softcover with flaps, dimensions: 21 x 26 cm. Euro 32.00
ISBN 978-3-86859-223-8 JOVIS VERLAG

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