Observatorium: Dirt, blood and water This is the shadow site for search engines. Open the site for humans here

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Dirt, blood and water

The project „Dirt, Blood and Water" is an international collaboration dealing with an uncommon curatorial question: How can a site-responsive artwork be exhibited at different sites?
Three arts organizations in Germany, Australia and Scotland, all dealing with contemporary Public Art, are working together in a two weeks laboratory in order to deal with the above mentioned question. The three curators Katja Aßmann (Artistic Director, Urbane Künste Ruhr, DE), Michael Cohen (Creative Director, HFSA, AU), Lorenzo Mele (Senior Arts Officer, Glasgow Arts, GB) invited artists, urban planners, scientists and historians to work together in a Lab-environment.
From Glasgow the artist Graham Eatough is going to bring experience from the performing arts perspective. Jennifer Turpin from Sydney is a visual artist who is very often involved in creating interdisciplinary master plans and works as a curator herself. Instead of inviting a German artist the Ruhrgebiet choose Andre Dekker, Observatorium
Next to curators and artists there are scientist like Chris Murphy (AU), Dr Leah Gibbs (AU)or Tim Smith (AU) inviteted to be part of the Lab. At the end of the two weeks laboratory, there will be a public presentation at the Sydney Festival on Saturday, 25th of January 2014. The Lab will be a collaboration between Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, Glasgowlife and Urbane Künste Ruhr, with the support of Bundanontrust and Sydney Festival. http://www.sydneyfestival.org.au/2014/


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